The Route (Click to zoom)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Regensburg to Straubing

June 17th
53km (414m vertical)

It threatened rain again for most of the day, but stayed dry. Today was a very short day, so we all slept in and left the hotel around 9:30am. Lunch was at the campsite, but we stopped for a hot chocolate and a cake around 11am.

Rode for most of the day in a larger group than normal, with about 10 people. Carl and Rita are South Africans riding a tandem bike on the trip, and I chatted to them for a while. Carl used to race and has finally convinced Rita to join him on a cycling vacation. They go pretty quickly on downhills and flats, with two people pedaling. A few times today we would pick up the tempo as we cruised through some flat fields.

The town of Straubing is very picturesque, and we had lots of time to wander around. Grabbed a beer and white-sausage at a local cafe and bought a few more little cycling accessories. Bike shops and outdoor stores are always very popular with the group, and we all made the rounds.

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