The Route (Click to zoom)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Georgia Troubles

August 9th

Due to the conflict, we've just been told that we will not be cycling through Georgia as planned. Instead, we'll ride to the Turkish city of Kars, spend 2 nights there, take a bus to Ankara (the capital of Turkey), spend 2 nights there, fly to Baku, Azerbaijan (skipping Georgia) and then cycle on from Baku as planned. All of this is still in the earliest planning stages, so it might still change.

It is disappointing that we won't cover the entire Asian continent by bike, but the matter is really out of our hands. I don't want to cycle through a conflict zone! I'm actually not as upset about it as I thought I'd be...partly because my stomach really needs a rest anyways! Plus, Georgia is a pretty small part of the trip. We were only going to cycle through for a few days before going South into Azerbaijan.

Its ironic that after all the worries over Chinese visas, we are forced to turn back at Georgia...where Canadians don't even need visas! I suppose its all part of the trip. Time for bed...I'm spent!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two days rest is probably exactly what you need. We had heard about the trouble in Georgia and wondered what your group would do. Glad that you will be well clear of it.
Take care, Ma.