The Route (Click to zoom)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saray to Tayakadin

July 19th
90km (1,610m vertical)

Another fun day's ride. I left the hotel late, rode alone all day, and passed everyone to be first into lunch and first into camp at 11:15am.
There was a lot of climbing today, mostly short steep hills. Very scenic. After lunch we climbed up to a plateau where we could look down on valleys full of farmer's fields.

We're staying in a bush camp tonight, which means no showers. There are open air sinks though, so I had a quick bucket shower before the rest of the group arrived. There was even a cow grazing between the tents in the evening.
Spent the afternoon reading in the shade and cleaning my bike. I put on new brake pads, a new water bottle cage (my other plastic one broke) and changed my chain as well. Jim had a tool to measure chain wear, and said that mine was due to be changed. He kindly sold me the tool so that I can monitor my chain for the rest of the trip.

Everyone got new Orient Express jerseys tonight, so that we can match for tomorrow's ride into Istanbul. The sizing is pretty small, so we'll all be in skin tight tops. All of those icecreams are coming back to haunt me.

More hills and sunflowers:

A small town we passed through:

Field of sunflowers:

Up on the high plateau:

Looking down into the fields below:

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