The Route (Click to zoom)

Friday, July 25, 2008


Had a great trip to Russia where I got to visit with my good friends Tanya and Ira. Enjoyed a lovely homemade meal with Tanya's wonderful family (complete with vodka) and dragged Tanya to several Moscow bike shops looking for spare parts. It was a great break from the saddle and I'm already feeling a bit homesick at the notion of not seeing anymore friends or family until December.

Made it safely back to Istanbul this afternoon. The Silk Route trip starts tomorrow. Apparently we have 7 riding days in a row to kick it off, so it might be a while before I can update this blog again.

St. Basil's cathedral:

Red Square, St. Basil's and part of the Kremlin:

Modern Russian art gallery (in an old distillery cellar):

Moscow State University:

The Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Sergiev Posad (home of the Russian Orthodox Church):


Unknown said...

Ooh you met up with Tanya??
I see that you are growing your beard out again...:) you always remind me of forrest gump with it.

LFL said...

Great photos of your in Red Square.

See Many KGB officers speaking into their lapels?

Whenever you are feeling homesick, remember many of us are riding along with you. Keep up the entries.