The Route (Click to zoom)

Monday, July 28, 2008

New Beginning

Istanbul to Sile
July 26th
91km (1,494m vertical)

Back on the bike with some fresh new riders. We started with group photos at the Bosporus and then had a short group ride back north along the river towards the Black Sea. Leaving the coast there were several steep climbs and hot sun in the low 90s. The scenery has changed from pastures to forest on the hills.

Last year this first section was done in 5 days but people found the hills and heat too difficult, so we are going to do the same distance in 7 days. Not sure which I prefer, as 7 straight riding days is a lot. (And I only have 5 sets of cycling clothes, so I'll need to wash some en route.)

In addition to the 6 other riders that have come from Paris, and Mike (who joined part way...Budapest I think) there are 6 new riders that will go all the way to Beijing, plus at least one that is just doing a few weeks of the trip. The trip from Istanbul to Beijing is self-timed event (for those interested in timing themselves). Winners will be announced for each day, each section, and the entire trip. It sounds fun to “race” but there is not really anyone interested in racing but Al...and I already know that I'm faster than him. None of the new folks seem particularly inclined to racing. Max is a young, fit guy from Montreal, but he has not done much cycling in the past. In any case, I'll need to decide whether the pride of winning is worth cycling alone most days, or whether I'd prefer to ride with the Auzzies occasionally, even though this would cost me hours of time and pretty much let Al win the overall title.

On the Bosporus with the 8 riders from the Orient Express that are continuing on the Silk Route.(Back: Me, Al, Graeme, Stewart, Fred. Front: Mike, Nicole, Manon.)

The Blue Mosque of Istanbul:

Tree-covered hills:


1 comment:

LFL said...

Seems to me to be an easy decision...ride with your friends!

You will definitely have more [and better] memories of the trip for years to come, well after the thrill of "winning" has long since lapsed.