The Route (Click to zoom)

Monday, July 28, 2008

And then there were hills

Kaynarca to Duzce
July 28th
115km (1,779m vertical)

Cool night last night. I was in my sheet and sleeping bag for the first time in a long time. The temperature just dropped as soon as the sun went down. Barking dogs woke everyone up at 3am, and they kept it up for 30 minutes. Very frustrating!

Hot, hilly day of riding along the Black Sea today. Lots of steep climbs (the worst hit 20% at one point!) and thrilling descents. I reached a new top trip speed of 73.4km/h! Lots of climbing also meant lots of great scenery.

At our first cafe stop, Steve showed up with a split chin and scrapes on his arms and legs. He took one of the corners too quickly going down a hill and fell off his bike. Joan, the trip doctor, shaved his chin (so the bandages would stick), cleaned the wound, and out on some dressings. The blood kept leaking out for the rest of the ride though, so he might need a stitch or two. (Not sure if Joan can do that herself.)

Lunch was on the Black Sea, and a couple of people went for a quick swim. I couldn't get my head around the idea of putting on dirty cycling shorts after going for a swim, so I didn't bother.

There was some road construction in the afternoon, and I was glad to have my new, knobby tires while riding on unpaved dirt road.

Local Turks are very friendly to us. I believe that its encouraged in the Islamic religion. Every time we stop, people offer us tea or fruit or drinks. Some even invite whole groups of cyclists back to their homes for a meal. (This is politely declined by touching palm to chest twice and then holding up the palm to the offerer.) All of the honking trucks and waving children make it feel like the Tour de France at times.

The only problem with riding in a bigger group, at a slower pace, is that it makes for a long day in the saddle. We left around 7am and didn't arrive until 4:30am. All that time in sweaty shorts and hot sun takes a lot out of me. I am really sleepy right now as I am about to eat dinner and then go to bed early. Sleeping in a very nice little hostel tonight. Clean, private washrooms and free WiFi!

I got the Lame Duck award for buying a disposable razor (that Joan needed for Steve) and thinking it was five turkish dollars...when it was actually five cents. I didn't think this was all that stupid...but I didn't get a vote.

Morning Mist:

Three small riders, and many large hills:

Roadside fruit stand (the kind that gives us free fruit when we stop to take their photo):

Photo op at the top of a climb: (Me, Nicole, Manon, Graeme, Max, Steve, Knut, Mike, Louise, Stewart)


LFL said...

Paying 5 dollars for something that costs 5 cents might go a long way in explaining the Turks' "friendliness".

Hope your colleague's chin mends quickly.

I shutter when you report upon a new personal-best speed record. BE CAREFUL! [...but have fun too!]


Anonymous said...

Just to prove that I do read your blog and am up-to-date, too! I echo Leo's concern about the speed thrill! You, too, could end up with a split chin ... or worse, so do be sensible and careful. Glad you enjoyed your visit to Moscow.

Anonymous said...

Just testing the options.
