The Route (Click to zoom)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Into Samarkand

Bush Camp to Samarkand
September 6th
117km (638m vertical)

Woke up to a chilly 59F morning. Will have to pull out some warmer clothes from my permanent bag. Seems like we've left the heat behind in exchange for the wind of Uzbekistan.

The wind was in our faces again today, although it wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday. We did have some rolling hills today, which combined with the wind to drive our speed down again. We averaged only 17.6km/h today.

Nick finally gave up the Lame Duck. Max got it for putting shammy cream on the outside of his bike shorts. He quickly passed it on to Ben in Bukhara. Ben was doing bike maintenance in the parking lot, when he heard someone calling his name from one of the hotel windows. He figured it was Max, and started yelling back “Shut up Max!” until someone pointed out that he was hearing a sheep in the field next door. “Ba-a-a-a-a-n...Ba-a-a-a-an”.

We've got 2 rest days in Samarkand, the first scheduled double rest day of the trip. They've chosen yet another strange hotel. It looks nice, but in our first hour here a pipe burst in the washroom, flooding everything, and the power has just gone off. Its also in the middle of a crappy neighborhood, 5km from the heart of the city...which is a real pain. Its much easier to explore a city when you are staying in the tourist district.

A cute creek on an otherwise bland day for scenery:

Lots of open air butchers on the road today:

Some rolling hills, with the wind blowing dust across them:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since I have never heard Max's voice, I cannot judge how far off Ben's mistake was...but my guess it was way off!

Has everyone on the ride received this dubious award at least once?