The Route (Click to zoom)

Friday, November 14, 2008


Tanggu to the Coast
November 14th
79km (555m vertical)

Last day of cycling – and much more complicated then we planned. It was really tough to find the coast. We rode around for more than an hour before we got to the main port. It was very industrial, with huge shipping containers stacked everywhere. No security though, so we rode right out between the ships and took our final photos.

By this time, we were too late to catch the early train to Beijing, so we rode around some more looking for a “nice” beach to dip our wheels in the water. Nothing. We rode for 30km along the coast and it was all industrial. A bit anti-climactic...but these things usually are. Its about the journey, not the destination.

Got to a light-rail station by 10am, but they didn't allow bikes. Eventually fund the main train station, but the security wouldn't let our bikes into the terminal, let alone onto the trains. Found a bus station, but the security guard there kicked us out as well. Eventually we found the “shipping” department in the back of the bus station, and shipped our bikes (and ourselves) back to Beijing on the next bus.

With the pedaling done, the last obstacle of the trip is getting an individual Chinese visa, so that I can leave the country. My passport is supposed to be delivered to the hotel tomorrow, with the visa in it. Fingers crossed.

Al (bottom right) arrives at the dock:

Al and I at the finish line:

Navigating through the shipping containers, looking for a non-existent beach:


Anonymous said...

Wow! What an adventure! Not sure if this trip will make you long for a more stable routine or make it even harder to settle into the day-to-day that the rest of us follow? I think you might be quite glad of the comforts of home ... we are certainly looking forward to having you back.

Anonymous said...

Hi Daniel, Congratulations on your wonderful journey and achievement. It's been incredible to share the journey with you, in person til Istanbul and bloggedly since! I've eagerly awaited every installment and your commentary and photos have been superb - I've almost felt like I was on a tandem ride with you.

Enjoy your accomplishment and celebrate the moment... best wishes for the next stage of your journey! It's been a real pleasure to meet you and thanks for sharing your ride! Good luck... au revoir Jos